A Civil Rights
Organization for US Citizens
CALL: (877) 637-1958
Salt Lake City, UT 84125-0414

NAACP Salt Lake Branch

NAACP Anti-Bullying Resolution

The NAACP calls upon all schools to have effective anti-bullying and anti-harassment programs.

The NAACP calls upon all school districts to maintain and report data regarding all incidents of bullying and harassment in order to develop effective federal, state, and local anti-bullying policies.

The NAACP calls upon all states and school districts to submit statistical data regarding bullying incidents to the United States Department of Justice.
The intent of the NAACP is to raise awareness regarding bullying and harassing, increase teacher and parent involvement and supervision, form clear rules and strong social norms against bullying and harassing, and provide support and protection for all students. This approach shall involve teachers, principals, students and everyone associated with the school, including maintenance staff, food services staff, security guards, and crossing guards.   

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