A Civil Rights
Organization for US Citizens
CALL: (877) 637-1958
Salt Lake City, UT 84125-0414

NAACP Salt Lake Branch

Our Organization

NAACP Salt Lake Branch formed in 1918 because of discrimination in local schools. Elected officers and executive committee members are listed below.

The branch would like to recognize Curly C. Jones for his many years of dedicated service to NAACP. Curly passed away on March 3, 2015.

Branch Officers:

President - Jeanetta Williams 
Vice President - Shawn Newell

Secretary - Stephanie Kaufusi
Treasurer - Angela Broadhurst

Executive Committee Members:

Alain Balmanno
Abby Dizon-Maughan
Brett Jarvis
George Severson

Sally Valdez
Chris Wade
James Yapias

MLK Lunch, NAACP Salt Lake Branch in Salt Lake City, UT
2010 NAACP Salt Lake Branch Scholarship Recipients

All Chairs shall be appointed by the President. The members of all Standing and Special Committees, except the Nominating Committee, shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Committee Chairpersons. The President is the only official spokesperson for the Branch. Contact us to become involved.

Standing Committees:
Armed Service & Veterans' Affairs, Communications, Community Coordination, Economic Development, Education, Environmental Justice, Finance, Freedom Fund, Health, Housing, Labor and Industry, Legal Redress, Memberships, Political Action, Press and Publicity, Prison, Religious Affairs, Youth Work.

General Membership and Executive Committee Meetings
The NAACP Civil Rights Organizations General Membership monthly meetings are open to members and potential members and held at the Law and Justice Center, 645 S 200 E, on the third Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.

Learn more about NAACP Salt Lake Branch and our dedicated committee when you call
our civil rights organization at (877) 637-1958 in Salt Lake City, Utah.